Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports you from start to finish.
You can create a deal room and invite potential investors to view the offer and store and distribute all the deal documents.
Our platform lets you track interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving you time and money to focus back on what you do best – growing your company.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Generally, when a company offers securities, investors should receive a disclosure document such as a prospectus. However, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) provides some exemptions from those disclosure requirements.
One such exemption is where a person is deemed to be a 'sophisticated investor' for the purposes of Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act.
To be deemed a sophisticated investor, an investor must receive certification from a qualified accountant. This certification states that the investor possesses net assets of at least $2.5 million or the gross income of the investor has reached at least $250,000 per year for the last two financial years.
A sophisticated investor can sometimes be referred to as a wholesale or s708 or high net worth (HNW) investor.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
The significant advantage of our offering is that your ESOP program can be fully automated via the power of the underlying Distributed Ledger Technology. Using our platform, you can maintain any security class, from ordinary shares to loan shares and employee plan securities.
You can issue and manage lifecycle events such as vesting and exercise all on the platform. You can also store any documents securely, including personal employee plans and plan rules.
While we can help you manage most aspects of your ESOP, it is important to note that we do not provide advice about setting up an ESOP. Every company will have unique circumstances to consider before deciding on a relevant and appropriate ESOP. We recommend enlisting the services of professionals, for example, lawyers and accountants, who can independently understand and advise on your company's ESOP requirements. We're happy to introduce you to our community of professional partners ready to help.
A primary capital raise is when a company issues new shares to raise capital, and in a secondary offer, existing shareholder(s) sell their shares.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in the second half of 2023, subject to regulatory approval.
Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We understand every company has different requirements and business needs, and a fee structure should reflect this.
We want companies to pay for what they use, not what they don't. Our team will discuss individual requirements so we can provide a fair and competitive fee structure.
The significant advantage of our offering is that an ESOP program can be fully automated via the power of the underlying Distributed Ledger Technology. Companies can use our platform to maintain any security class, from ordinary shares to loan shares and employee plan securities.
Companies can issue and manage lifecycle events such as vesting and expiry all on the platform. They can also store any documents securely, including personal employee plans and plan rules.
While we can help you manage most aspects of an ESOP, it is important to note that we do not provide advice about setting up an ESOP. Every company will have unique circumstances to consider before deciding on a relevant and appropriate ESOP. We recommend enlisting the services of professionals, for example, lawyers and accountants, who can independently understand and advise on your company's ESOP requirements. We're happy to introduce you to our community of professional partners ready to help.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports companies from start to finish.
Companies and their advisors can create a deal room, invite potential investors to view the offer, store and distribute all the deal documents.
Our platform tracks interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving time and money so companies can focus on what they do best.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in early 2024, subject to regulatory approval.
Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports companies and investors from start to finish.
Companies can create a deal room, invite potential investors to view the offer and store and distribute the deal documents.
Our platform tracks interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving investors time so they can concentrate on managing and growing their portfolios.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in the second half of 2023, subject to regulatory approval.
Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports you from start to finish.
You can create a deal room and invite potential investors to view the offer and store and distribute all the deal documents.
Our platform lets you track interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving you time and money to focus back on what you do best – growing your company.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Generally, when a company offers securities, investors should receive a disclosure document such as a prospectus. However, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) provides some exemptions from those disclosure requirements.
One such exemption is where a person is deemed to be a 'sophisticated investor' for the purposes of Chapter 6D of the Corporations Act.
To be deemed a sophisticated investor, an investor must receive certification from a qualified accountant. This certification states that the investor possesses net assets of at least $2.5 million or the gross income of the investor has reached at least $250,000 per year for the last two financial years.
A sophisticated investor can sometimes be referred to as a wholesale or s708 or high net worth (HNW) investor.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
The significant advantage of our offering is that your ESOP program can be fully automated via the power of the underlying Distributed Ledger Technology. Using our platform, you can maintain any security class, from ordinary shares to loan shares and employee plan securities.
You can issue and manage lifecycle events such as vesting and exercise all on the platform. You can also store any documents securely, including personal employee plans and plan rules.
While we can help you manage most aspects of your ESOP, it is important to note that we do not provide advice about setting up an ESOP. Every company will have unique circumstances to consider before deciding on a relevant and appropriate ESOP. We recommend enlisting the services of professionals, for example, lawyers and accountants, who can independently understand and advise on your company's ESOP requirements. We're happy to introduce you to our community of professional partners ready to help.
A primary capital raise is when a company issues new shares to raise capital, and in a secondary offer, existing shareholder(s) sell their shares.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in the second half of 2023, subject to regulatory approval.
Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We understand every company has different requirements and business needs, and a fee structure should reflect this.
We want companies to pay for what they use, not what they don't. Our team will discuss individual requirements so we can provide a fair and competitive fee structure.
The significant advantage of our offering is that an ESOP program can be fully automated via the power of the underlying Distributed Ledger Technology. Companies can use our platform to maintain any security class, from ordinary shares to loan shares and employee plan securities.
Companies can issue and manage lifecycle events such as vesting and expiry all on the platform. They can also store any documents securely, including personal employee plans and plan rules.
While we can help you manage most aspects of an ESOP, it is important to note that we do not provide advice about setting up an ESOP. Every company will have unique circumstances to consider before deciding on a relevant and appropriate ESOP. We recommend enlisting the services of professionals, for example, lawyers and accountants, who can independently understand and advise on your company's ESOP requirements. We're happy to introduce you to our community of professional partners ready to help.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports companies from start to finish.
Companies and their advisors can create a deal room, invite potential investors to view the offer, store and distribute all the deal documents.
Our platform tracks interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving time and money so companies can focus on what they do best.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in early 2024, subject to regulatory approval.
Traditional registries are predominantly structured around supporting listed entities. To achieve efficiencies, many processes and procedures that apply to listed entities are standardised and rolled out across all clients, including private or unlisted entities. This results in private entities being forced into a structure that is not fit for their purpose and is unlikely to meet their needs.
We developed FCX specifically for private entities. We offer autonomy and flexibility in managing cap tables while maintaining all the benefits of traditional registry services, such as accuracy, security and transparency for investors, but without the unnecessary listed world requirements and associated fees.
We offer a capital-raising solution that supports companies and investors from start to finish.
Companies can create a deal room, invite potential investors to view the offer and store and distribute the deal documents.
Our platform tracks interest and acceptances, facilitates digital signing of agreements, receiving payments, settlement and issuing share certificates.
We've made the capital raising process simple and easy to manage, saving investors time so they can concentrate on managing and growing their portfolios.
Our FCX platform is built on a private ledger where securities are tokenised. We leverage distributed ledger technology and bespoke smart contracts to automate traditional capital market tasks and transactions.
The primary benefits of using this technology are:
- Efficiency – we can complete transactions with high speed and accuracy. For instance, a liquidity transaction can be completed on our platform with atomic settlement, which happens instantaneously.
- Immutability – using DLT means that transaction records cannot be manipulated.
- Confidential and secure – our ledger sits within a private, highly secure environment. Users are identified and permissioned before they can transact.
Several cap table platforms have recently emerged in the Australian market. However, there are a number of reasons why our FCX platform is uniquely positioned, including:
Trusted experience and scalability – FCX was built by industry experts, FinClear, the leading provider of infrastructure technology solutions to listed markets. FinClear's solutions service 500,000+ end clients, and 300+ intermediaries, including several significant institutions within the Australian financial services community. We employ approximately 180 professionals with decades of experience managing cap tables, investor data, capital market transactions and trading solutions.
Technology – We built FCX on Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), which provides unparalleled efficiency and automation of traditionally cumbersome and manual workflows. DLT seamlessly brings together the capability to manage your cap table, undertake capital raising transactions and manage liquidity events within one ecosystem.
A liquidity venue is our marketplace feature that will support peer-to-peer trading so investors and private companies can buy and sell shares directly in clearly defined periods set by the company, not an external entity.
Our regulated liquidity venue is expected to be live in the second half of 2023, subject to regulatory approval.